The Best Albums of 2018

sexta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2018

Em Transe: depois da rádio, o podcast.


Nils Frahm - All Melody - "All Melody"
Nils Frahm - All Melody - "#2"

Nils Frahm - All Melody - "Human Range"
Nils Frahm - All Melody - "Momentum"

Nils Frahm - All Melody - "Kaleidoscope"
Nils Frahm - All Melody - "A Place"

Nils Frahm - All Melody - "Sunson"
Nils Frahm - All Melody - "Harm Hymn"
Nils Frahm - All Melody - "Forever Changeless"

"Guardar Link Como" - "Save Link As"
Right Mouse Button Click For Save 

(Last Show January 28th)


Poema | Poem by - Ana Freitas Reis
Fotografia | Photo by - Alípio Padilha

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