The Best Albums of 2018

quarta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2017

Em Transe: depois da rádio, o podcast.


Con_cetta - Origine - "II"
Leyland Kirby - We, So Tired of all the darkness in our lives - "Clickbait"
Anthony Linell - Consolidate - "The Altar"
Philipp Rumsch - A Forward-Facing Review - "Part I"
Ben Frost - The Centre Cannot Hold - "All That You Love Will Be Eviscerated"
Orson Hentschel - Electric Stutter - "Machine Boy"
Ancient Ocean - Titan's Island - "Rift Valleys"
Porn Sword Tobacco - 2017 - "Untitled"

Logic Moon - Oblivion - "Another Earth"

"Guardar Link Como" - "Save Link As"
Right Mouse Button Click For Save 

(Last Show December 17th)


Poema | Poem by - Ana Freitas Reis
Fotografia | Photo by - Alípio Padilha

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