The Best Albums of 2018

quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2016

Em Transe: depois de tocar na rádio, o podcast.

 Emissão de 31 de Maio disponível em formato podcast.

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(Last Show - May 31st)

d_rradio - Forecast - "Forecast"
Orcas - Yearling  - "Petrichor"
Cass. - Magical Magical - "Love Lockdown"
William Basinski  - Variations: A Movement In Chrome Primitive - "Variation V"
Endless Melancholy - Before, After - "All Farewells Aren't Sudden"
Antonymes - (For Now We See) Through A Glass Dimly - "Elegy (iv)"
Hvide Sejl, Varg, F. Valentin - Brazil - "Over the Course of a Few Weeks"
Huerco S. - For Those Of You Who Have Never (And Also Those Who Have) - "Promises Of Fertility"
Christopher Willits - Opening - "Wide"

Fotografia | Photo by - Alípio Padilha

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